matriks kedah
Kolej Matrikulasi Kedah (18/19)Assalamualaikum. Hey wassup gais, so im back yay! eheh, okay gais sepertimana tajuk tu iols nak story sikit pasal hows life and maybe some tips on how to survive here in matriks kedah. oh ya, actually lepas upu result i actually got 2 offers, one is from matrics and another one is asasi sn tech in usim. I chose matrics rather than asasi usim just because usim is like a bit jauh nogori kot and i thought i couldnt survive there lol tgk mudah sangat putus asa hahahh. and yah past is past make sure y'all choose wiser okie dear spm leavers, heheh. Okay so first of all kita cakap pasal subjects and programs ok, I was a PST student in module 1, class S3T1. Modul 1 ni memang akan lagi busy dari modul lain, modul lain busy jugak ofcos matriks kan tapi modul 1 ni lagi double busy dia sebab basically dia ada 3 heavy subs which are physics, biology and chemistry. This is just based on my own observations and experiences je okay. Meanwhile modul 2 : physics+chemist+sn comp and modul 3 : bio+chem+sn comp. Hampa boleh ja nak tukaq modul, ada 2 kali rayuan so jangan gelabah bewak sangat kalau dapat modul yang ada subj hampa tak suka hihi. "matriks susah tak?" susah kalau tak reti manage time, malas, procastinating, anyways tadak benda yg senang kan. so basically, matriks okay-okay ja kalau hampa reti manage time, double rajin, buat tuto, focus dalam kuliah then inshaallah ada hasil. Actually, masa aku masuk matrics dah ubah sikit syllabus dan sistem pembelajaran dia sebab nak ikut sistem MQA untuk dapat sijil matriks yg diiktiraf sth like that sorry kalau salah info (im not sure and dont know details bout this sorry) tapi lebih kurang camtula, klau nak tau lebih detail boleh pm thru my email okay. jadi disebabkan ini, program PDT dah jadi nama dia Program Pra-PST / Persediaan PST. kalau dulu PDT means depa ada 4 sem untuk belajar benda yg pst belajar 2 sem, tapi start tahun lepas (2018) student yg pra-pst akan buat persediaan setahun which is akan belajar benda2 basic dulu, then bila masuk next year depa dah jadi student PST which means depa akan belajar mcm pst lah laju heheh, tapi at least depa dah belajaq sikit2 masa persediaan tu so takdalah blur mcm student pst mcm sisz ni. Fyi, student pra-pst bila dah jdi student pst in the next year, depa akan sekelas dengan junior (student pst 19/20). haa, get it? faham dak penat terang ni hahaha. Next, lets move on to hostels and facilities. dekat sini untuk girls, ada 4 blok kediaman which are block B1, B2, C1, C2 and for boys ada 2 which are block A1 and A2. for girls, sapa dapat B1 or C1 better sujud syukur sebab dekat sikit kalau dapat B2/C2 like me better exercise sikit before pi heheh :p for boys, A1 ka A2 dedua dekat dengan nakpi kelas/masjid/koop so jangan byk songeh nak tukaq bilik ka apa hahaha. Cafe sini ada 3, Cafe A, B, C. memasing dekatdekat dengan blok masing2, tapi mostly cafe C paling hot gituh sebab banyak lagi varieties, DONAT DIA PALING SEDAP GAIS TOLONG MAKAN UNTUK I lmao, tapi memang cafe C slalu pack la, kafe B okay2 la celup2 dia sedap namatey wajib try, kafe A sorry gais tengok dari jauh jew penahh. Boys or girls boleh beli makanan kat memana cafes only before 7 pm, and rules here boys makan kat kafe A and girls makan kat kafe girls (B or C) or tapau balik bilik lah. tapi lelama belungguk ja boys makan kat kafe C lol don't worry. Eh ada satu lagi kafe ni kafe pentadbiran, kafe ni bukak weekdays ja untuk lectures tapi students boleh sangat la pi makan, wajib try nasi kerabu dengan celup2 dia and also roti canai weh byknya hm babtu gemok lol. Bilik share 4 orang, but ada ja yg tinggal bertiga or berdua ja depends lah, but make sure sujud syukur again kalau dapat bilik kat tingkat 1 ok. dekat sini ada koops (everything ada, toileteries, tudung bawal, even baju kurung/blouse pun ada apakaunak ha amik), also got secakop (printing and photostat thingy), minipos (aku almost tiap minggu pi amik barang lol boros banget), okay what else...pendek kata kmk serba lengkap laa. Another topics is outing, okay outing sini either friday or saturdays depends on your gender ops. sini laki perempuan outing asing ok noted that. sini nak outing scan matric card or cabut lari (jangan, tapi sekali dua nak try boleh jew hahahah), pastu pandai2 la order grab, then pi la outing cmart changlun ka (rm4), cmart arau, cmart jitra ka, tasik jitra, aman central, jitra mall ikutlaa asalkan balik before 7 pm or matric card kena gantung. changlun tadak apa yg best sangat bolehla takat nak beli2 gitu, jalan2 jangan harapkan ada wayang or mcd plis, nak semua tu bayaq grab lebih sikit keluaq changlun. okay, what else? erm, haa pasal kelab/event dekat matriks kedah sini. Sini ada kelab Resident Media (RM), Rakan Pusat Islam (RAPI), Pembimbing Rakan Dinamik (PRD), weh apalagi lupala hm tapi kelab yg aku join is RM and RAPI, joinlah memana club ok tambah pengetahuan, kenalan dan pengalaman :) markah koko pun dapat hihi. Kelab2 sukan dekat sini pulak banyak, nanti setiap kelas kena pegang satu kelab koko so memang banyakla kelab jadinya. mcm kelas aku, dapat kelab squash, so kena belajaq main squash and nanti at the end of the year kena anjurkan pertandingan squash, same thing goes to other classes. Dekat sini ada ja gym, court squash, court badminton, court handball netball basketball, court futsal, tempat memanah, golf pun ada hokayy. make sure kat sini bersukan sikit, petang2 tu turunla riadah, hirup udara segar, naik basikal ronda2 barula tak berapa nak stress sangat ok. aku cam perasan banyaknya 'ok'.....ok whatever. oh uh, matriks kedah ni aku taktaula tahun ni camna tapi time tahun aku last year, sem 1 masalah ayaq , jenuh wei hg kena pandai timing kalau nakpi mandi, kalau time hg tengah mandi tu tiba2 ayaq tadak ha pandai2 la hidup. tapi dun worry, mostly kalau tandas sini tadak ayaq hg pi la ronda tandas wing lain or blok lain kot ada ayaq. Sem 2 pulak, pasai letrik oh gosh yg ni paling aku panas, panas hati panas segalanya. masa ni sebab katanya cuaca panas sangat so ntah apabenda yg tak boleh tahan ntah dia blackout ni budak2 modul 2 bolehla cerita detail. kadang sampai sehari 3/4 kali wei blackout, pagi2 buta penah blackout, tengahari time gap, petang hah bila ja tak blackout. Tapi takpernah lagi blackout the whole day alhamdulillah, so make sure spare lah mini fan yang boleh charge tu, torchlight nak bawak pi mandi kalau blackout pagi2 subuh time nakpi kelas tu (2/3 kali dah kena hatni), pastu buatla hw awai2 takut blackout tgh2 malam haaa. depa cakap, sem 1 bawak pam ayaq, sem 2 bawakla generator eheh. Lol guys, don't worry okay kalau tak jadi dugaan2 cemni u guys will never learn something, belajaqla susah sikit kehkeh hebat dak nasihat orang hahahah. overall, matriks kedah ni best, actually matriks mana pun best or lebih tepat semua tempat study baru kalau kita pandai adapt, pandai bergaul semua jadi best. tapi tak tipu do, rugi kalau tolak matriks kedah ni hahahah. sebenaqnya nak story banyak and banyak lagi, tapi better sapa nak tau lebih pm or email okay, sebab sis dah tak larat naik taip heheh. oh ya, in my next post I will update bout hows MY life here in kmk, so wait for itt okayy. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
petang2 kalau boring bolehlaa ronda satu kmk naik basikal
ni view blok C2, semua blok lebih kurang camni
tapi B1 kaler oren gitu
ni pulak view blok B1
so obiviously this is my small area in our bilik B2T231,
ni last day tangkap bfore habis matrik
nasi kerabu sedap kat kafe pentadbiran wajib tryy
eheh, it's just me acah in dewan kuliah time
masuk awal takdak orang lol
pestime dalam gym jakun sikett, oh hi they are my classmates
Labels: #kolejmatrikulasikedah
Assalamualaikum. hello ppl, actually not so many things i really would like to talk and also dont have any idea to write bout but since im kinda boring rn so lets just merepek.. so, it is almost few days je lagi nak masuk bulan may sekarang, which means soon i'll be leaving my home sweet home mybe just in a month from now. probably that's gonna be my first time staying in a hostel and far awayyyyy from my fam. but nvm, im leaving for good :) tak tahu lagi nak kemana, but i really hope somewhere thats not so far from kedah, cam penang ke, perak ke, area utara ja boleh dop? hihi. bukan apa, takut homesick namatey jew hahaha ok now let's move on, tu intro sesaja jaa sbb dh berapa hari ni asyik pikir pasal sambung study ja, tidoq pun tk lena huhu. btw, i would like to share some moments that have happened and my feelings on the day where spm results were out (15.03.18) sorry i know this is a bit basi but i malas plus tk hado mood nk berblog sgt haritu. so mcm biasalah datang sekolah jumpa kawan2 yg lama dh tak jumpa, then sembang2 gelak2, actually dah boleh check thru message around pukul 10, aku pun dah nak tekan send je lagi masa dekat rumah, but i was so freakin nervous like nervous gila bang*ang, so tak jadilah send hahaha. then, masa dekat sekolah lambat gila result nak umum pun, sampai pukul 11 lebih2 centu jgklah baru tau. umm, i really didnt know how to express my feelings when my result was announced, at first i was like happy rasa nak lompat but then tetiba rasa mcm i dont deserve this. but still dalam hati mmg syukur sangat2, alhamdulillah Allah tolong, Dia permudahkan, Dia lembutkan hati pemeriksa. serious cakap, i just gave my best like 20% and another 80% all from Allah. i didnt mean to exaggerate but that exactly what had crossed my mind after aku balik dan tenung result tu lelama. aku dapat 8A 2B 1C+, that C+ makes me feel so bad, sebab C+ tu buat aku tak lepas untuk kos2 yg betul2 aku nak, i always ask myself balik, kenapa tak boleh dapat B padahal sikit je lagi tu. but then, muhasabah diri balik, istighfar balik, sbb baru sedar rasa syukur tu dah pudar, allah. tapi lelama try gain rasa syukur tu balik, trying to think in a positive way, maybe Allah wont let it happen for a good reason, cause indeed He's the best planner and there is no doubt at all. ianya mungkin menjadi satu asbab untuk sesuatu, mungkin rezeki di kos lain atau dengan cara yg lain. percayalah, rezeki Allah tu tersangatla luasnya, doa saja hijabya. so, for people who also feel the same thing, i hope ure doing great, stop overthinking, learn from the past, forget ur past failures and build new success that you will proud with, that will fade all ur past sadness and pain. everyone deserve a second chance, a better one. just do not give up yet ok :)
Assalamualaikum. hi gais, finally i've been officially graduated from high sch. alhamdulillah, with all the struggles i tried to deal with, here im..officially penganggur kt rumah hahaha. seriously gais, bfore exam hritu i can list smpai tk ckup kertas benda yg nk buat lepas spm. but then, bila dh habis spm, all the list tergantung sepi bhai. hows spm? yeah great, thats all i can say for now, just wait for da result :') make me sick think of it. well, not so many things happened his year, kinda boring but still a great year for me. but for this year, im just gonna highlight the moment w/ my classmates. yes, for the last 5 years dekat skolah, classmates mmg bertukaq dn ada yg stay jgk, tpi classmates paling osem aku ada ofcos 2016-2017. we're actually not so rapat at first, tpi sekarang dgn perangai gila sorg2 mau tk rapat hahah. we've been through many problems esp w/ the teachers, well issa misunderstanding. dalam rapat2 tu pun, ada yg gaduh including me. geng laki aa, perangai terlebih dos kekadang buat sakit hati (hahaha sorry aku terjujur) but somehow i believe each of them are gonna be a success person in the future. mekasih zul sbb rajin buat lawak yg smpai aku gelak tk ckup nafas smpai senak lelah asma hahah srs aa rindu lawak hg nnti, tgk hg ja pun dh nk gelak hahaha. mekasih pie, amin, imran, nik, arif, hilmi, najwan utk apa2 ja yg aku mntak tlg hmpa, hmpa tlong, mekasih jgk bagi hingaq kelas hahaha. aku tktau akan jmpak hmpa ka dak lgi, tpi ingat2la kenangan hmpa kt 5SnU dgn kami ni geng prempuan. mungkin hmpa akan jmpak geng prmpuan yg lagi better dri kami, mybe hat mulut tk laser sgt, tpi mcmmna pun tkkan jmpak hat mcm kami ni muahaha. mohon sapa2 dri hmpa tkdk simpan apa2 benci, sbb yg lepas biaqla lepas, ambik yg jernih, buang yg keruh. smpai bila nk membenci ye dokk? now lets go for my gurlsss, some of them are act my old classmates yg ai dh pernah desc dkt post lama heheh. but ada yg baru, pendatang asing trsebut ialah shuk, anis, timah (seingat yg ni ja, sorryla kalau tertinggal, yess im bad at remembering ppl) shuk - budak dri maktab mahmud, memula tu tk rapat pun biasalah budak baru klau ttiba rapat kang buang tebiat plak hahaha. so nk jdikan crita kami makin rpat time f5 even f4 pun dh rapat cuma tk serapat time f5. other than being a classmate to me, she was also my study partner, addmath, fiz, bio, chem, math, ba blablabla hahaha, dia la yg rajin support aku bila aku down skit, dia jgk la geng kadang buat hw kadang dk, kdg terlebih rajin kdg malas nk mampuihh. apa2 probs, stories msti aku crita kt dia bcoz believe me gais shes a good listener. last, syg shuk <3 anis - pandai masak, rajin bwk mai makanan sedap2, klau ada event kelas apa2 dia paling kaluittt heheh, dia baikkkk sangat2 dgn aku, i still remember anis bawak cake for my bday, just bcoz few days bfore i told her that i was craving for icing cake, and suprisingly dia beli and bwk pi sekolah pastu senyap2 simpan dalam peti ais blik guru, dan dalang2 yg lain tu geng semeja aku :') so naisla. rasa terharu nak nanges angatt sbb tk expect langsung nak bercake bagai. one of my sweet memories <3 sayangg anis sgt2. timah - lawak gila pompuan nih, pstu suka buat lawak yg dia sniri tak perasan dia buat lawak yg mna aku dgn geng sampai sakit perut nak gelak. dia jgk kwn meja sebelah utk few months :) tq bagi pinjam apa2 timah cantik hehe so yah, sebulan dah berlalu and i miss my classmates and also the atmosphere being in the class together w them. hoping that i will also get more awesome classmates soon :) tapi mesti tkkan sama mcm yg dulu, tq for the memories 5snU, lookin forward for our reunion 10 years later. p/s : klau tunang/kawin jangan lupa jemput mueheh. sincerely me, ceti hampa utk 5 tahun. theres some of our memories..
2016, still nerdie
2017, tgk dah jumpak chemistry tu skit baru boleh buat dab hahah
and finally, our last event together. have fun sangattt
upcoming days
Assalamualaikum. it's been a year gais, gais A YEAR ok i didnt update anything. *bigclap* it's supposed to be one post a year but i just skipped the 'tradisi' lol hahah. so please jgn cemuih kalau entry kalini panjang skit kihkih. bismillahirrahmanirrahim, lets get startedddd. fyi dis is my first update for this year and last year (2016) so probably i've a lot of stories to share gais. nak cerita semua pasal almost 17 months yg dah berlalu ni mmg 2 hari pun tk cukup, so i'll summarize some points up je ok. act i dont know where to start first, heh pity me. nothing much happened in 2016, apa yg best 2016 ni ermm apa hah, lupa dh. i think it's zero since i really forgot wht has happened last year, but im pretty sure tkdak yg pelik2 sgt jadi 2016 (rasanyalah). everything was okay and peaceful :)) now lets move on, fyi me and all my '00 batch will face that killer exam in just less than 158 days and still i was like leklek lu weh, lambat gi do - (nak sedapkan hati seniri sebenaqnyaa) hahaha. kemon gais, if u didnt start anything yet till this day -- sure gais, kita geng. seppppp sikitttt ^^ act i've not much time to study for hours since all my belaaaafved tcers gave alot of hw, like srsly a LOT, no kidding weh. so i just ended up with doing tht gunung kinabalu punya hw dgn harapan buat hw tu kira study :')) -my v desparate life and also w/ a lot of classes, tuitions (pagi, ptg, malam, weekend, u name it, i have it ekeke) but i really love wht im doin rn, cause i know what im doing rn is all for my future, for my family <3 eventho sometimes those things really make me sick but still semuanya bersebab, bertujuan. bkn sia2, kalauuu we try to make it worth. the question is how? how to make it worth? how to make all your hard works paid off? first of all, make up ur mind set first. the thing is u always anggap yg segala mak nenek tusyen, hw gunung kinabalu are really semak, u dont even know wht are those for. it's for ur spm, which leads ur future. yes, FUTURE = ur upcoming days. where ur real life begins. ( uni apa, kerja apa, rumah besaq mna, keta apa, brp byk duit nk bgi dekat parents, nk hantaq parents pi umrah/haji, kawin and so on) byk sangattt nk kna pikiaq. so gais, please remind urself that everything u do now is for ur future, to change ur future, eventho theres a lot of ppl yg spm tk berapa pun tapi duit kepok2 ja -- yaw gais, klau nak jadi org duit kepok2 tanpa cmerlang spm pun, at leasttttt put some effort laa sbb tkkan selama 14 tahun belajaq, berapa byk dh perabih duit nk tanggung hg belajaq saja and thats all u can give? at least make it worth ur parents' money, tenaga, and the last one harapan :)) usaha dulu, baru bleh cakap nk tawakkal.klau dh usaha tpi tkdapat jgk, isssokayy rezeki Allah luas, bkn dekat situ mungkin dkat lain, bkn skrg mungkin nnti, yg pasti, ada. cuma kita ja kna sntiasa jaga hubungan dgn pemberi rezeki. and the others pepandai la pikir, ceramah2 motivasi belungguk dh ada sebut, sampai lali dgaq, smua berbalik kpd kita sama ada nk hadam btui2, atau dak. - note to myself also - and wht about me? my future? hahaha i still dont think yet, wht im sure is dis is my time to give back for every single thing tht they (parents and fams) did for me inshaallah, doa-doakanlah. bab nk jadi apa, hmm srs konpius nk jadi apa, sat ni sat tu last2 terkuburrr juaa hahah. tgk sat muka ssuai jadi apa, jgn jadi bakal permaisuri hati anda sudahh kikiki jk jk #sispestimecuba #tlgjanganmuntahpelangi. jadila apa2pun asalkan masyukk, berguna untuk fams, bangsa, agama dan negara eceewwwahhh ~~ thts all for now, will merepek again soon. tunggu ja lah, mmg byk nk merepek nk crita since this is my last year as 'budak sekolah' hewhew. last but not least, happy fasting gais since it's ramadhan kareem yey no shy-torn but still we girls have 9 nafs to control hahaha. tetambah nafsu gossipss, astagfirullah jejaga girlss kurang pahala poshe tau. okay byee, will update again inshaallah. assalamualaikum. #littlereminder - "nothing worth having comes easy" so y not we just go for it :) xoxo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- some sweet memories in 2016 .. ![]()
gmersik team yg mereng + pie mereng kuasa 2
vacay w/ fam <3
final piala malaysia-- having so much goosebumps tho
#selamanya hijaukuning, pkp!
bts drama komsas f4, berjaya dgn jayanyaa yey
kindof sweet memory jgk keww nih?
hahah idk tetiba rindu lol
Assalamualaikum. bismillahirrahmanirrahim. all the praises be to allah for still giving me chances to breath and make a better life tmrrow. 2015 has come to an end, and wlcome 2016. please be very nice to me 2016, hahah. So mcm aku ckp sblum ni, 2015 is worst ever year in my entire life. ntahla thun kedepannya lagi extreme ka apa. well at least, i already know tht i've to make up my mental and physical first for all the possibilities. Act, 2015 xdaklah worst mna sbb aku tau tht the more we grow up, the more we will learn. We learn that even the person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. you will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. you'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. you'll fight with your best friend which is this part of sadness is really stupido for me. you'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll wish tht youre still a little girl tht know nothing. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and live like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back. be closer w/ Allah because when you found Him, it's means you found your true happiness that irreplaceable. in shaa allah. so few days past, i just accepted my pt3's result. alhamdulillah i finally made my family proud of me even though i didn't get straight As. i got 10As/11As. demmath. however, pt3 is just a beginning, nothing much important as hell as spm. past is past, just continue our routine before the pt3. solat hajat, bca quran, solat taubat (most important), zikr, niat study krana allah bkn exam or whatever. jgn jdikan exam tuhan kdua kita. alim msa nak dekat exam, bila habis exam trus lupa tuhan. this is part of my self reminder and also to all. btw, we did it classmates! aku rsa bangga dgn klas sndiri. really worth it! sblum exam, men2 lgi malaih gila bangeng. dapat result, unexpected thoo. paling rendah 6A, tu pun aku tk rasa rendah. 6A kira wow gak ahh. hanya kita2 ja tau btapa malasnya budk kls 3U1. congrats untuk kita. hahaha. apapun, aku harap we're still in the same class. xsnggup nak dpt classmates lain. but nvermind, people may leave, memory doesn't. even kita tk sekelas dh pun nnti, aku tkkan lupa knangan kita smua. ewwahh. Hahah. and i would like to givee hugeeee thanks to teachers, family (my backbone), classmates, friends and anyone who helped me directly or indirectly. thankyou. frankly speaking, im still not ready for form 4. another 3 or 4 exams after this and..im unofficially a spm candidate. perghh jauh mikirnye. but it is fact that no one cant denied except maut. ok bye. doakan aku dpt struggle untuk form 4 dgn form 5. may allah ease evry single thing. byee. this may be last post for 2015. so babai. may your next year will better than 2015. assalamualaikum.
So lets start. my phone's clock showed about 1 a.m. and im still blogging. Wuhuu
how about 2015? Was it great enaf? nope. Not at all. it is just toooooo ugh. my instinct that told me 2015 agak seram sejukk..then it was true. Banyak, banyak aku lalui sblum nak akhir 2015. aku rsa, dlm byk2 tahun. 2015 paling menyeksakan, menyakitkan, tpi ada selit kemanisan. cewwah ayat. Hahah. how soo fast time flies, like seriously i gonna be sixteen already next year, and espiyem..duh. i want to talk about what ive learnt in this worst year ever in my life. Byk sgt ak, manis pahit smua ada. aku belajaq er, kepercayaan, kenal tuhan, pergaduhan, pelajaran, pengajran, n last peperiksaan ofcos. hahah. aku suka sgt brtrima kasih tahun ni, thun yg sgt mncabar, yg dpt bagi aku tgk tahap kesabaran aku tara mana, kebranian dn kematangan aku nk hadapi stiap satu msalah yg dtg. It's just perf. ada mnis ada pahit.
aku knal erti persahabatan bila aku ada kwn saat jatuh bangun aku. sapa2 yg ada time aku jatuh, time aku bgun, susah senang, hmpala kawan aku. my sisters from other moms, zila, anith, azlin. big thanks i would say for always be by my side whenever i need uolss. sorry for whatever shitty things i've done. aku prnah sakit hati sbb hmpa, dan skrg aku xmau apa yg aku rsa dlu sbb skit sgt. it made scars in my heart and all those wounds was pretty hurt. Tpi bnda dah lps, aku dh lama maafkan hmpa. nothing left..just memories. Aku jgk kenal erti persahabatan yg sgt brmakna buat aku. Yg jgk ada saat aku susah sng, even kdg aku x dak utk depa masa depa susah. trima kasih, kwn merangkap classmates, awekss, geng tingtong, family 3U1, zamili, sodiqoti, usrati, ukhti. masa first kita masuk kls sma2, msing2 xkenal, xrpt pun, tpi masa ubah sgalanya. kita rapat mcm adk beradik, mkn kat kantin sama, berhimpun pagi2 kt prmpunan sma2, gossip sma2, pj sma2, kna mrh sma2, kena perli sma2, kna denda sma2 kt luaq sbb xsiap bi, hahah.. mungkin hmpa x prsn, tpi setiap prbuatan kecik2 cmtu buat aku rsa rindu nk ulang buat stiap hari dgn hmpa. aku rindu hmpa. Aku mntak maaf stiap bnda yg aku buat. Aku mhon halalkan apa yg aku pinjam, mkn, mntak, ambik. selama ni aku jrg appreciate hmpa, tpi kalini bru aku sedaq btapa hmpa penting dlm hidup aku. 3/2 thun belajaq sekali, xpernah sikit pun aku bgi penghargaan kt hmpa walhal hmpa byk tlg aku.
Firstly, teah-mira-jue, aku tau hmpa xbca ni, tpi aku still nak bgitau, trima kasih sbb share ilmu hmpa dgn aku, share hw utk aku tiru, sudi bagi pinjam sgala mak nenek pinjam buku, karok sesama dgn aku, share bekal hmpa dgn aku, nasi goreng teah the best, hahah..halalkan nah smuanya.
secondly, lia-fatin-nisah-arfah, aku syg hmpa. geng ert akuu, geng share novel, komik, lagu, movie, mkanan ofcoss heheh, trima kasih sbb lyn aku dgn baik skali spnjang 3 tahun aku skelas dgn hmpa. tq atin, lia, nisah. arfah pun..u are pretty for who u are. Hg lipat bulat ka bjuq ka tiga segi ka hg still comey, dn u dont have pretend to be what people want u to be, just be yourself. even hg kdg annoying, tpi hg baik sgt dgn aku. syg hg arfah..
then aku nak tenkiu, zila. zila ofcos, byk jawtan yg hg pgg dlm life aku. Youre part of my life. hgla kwn, lwn, shabat, kwn baik, kwn rpt,rkn sperjuangan, kwn cri psai, bff, ex-twins hahah, kakak, gila, gedik, PA aku, partner in crime, partner for almost all things i did, bank bergerak aku, almari mknan aku, stok almari alat tulis yg aku bleh pinjam bila2 msa, otak aku yg kedua, partner perah idea, geng gossip pagi tghari siang mlm, geng pi balik sklh, kwn duk sblah meja aku dri f1 smpai f3, yg tau apa aku nak, apa aku suka, apa aku xsuka, partner fly, partner ksygn cikgu nani, geng muka sng cikgu kesian, geng muka sng cg nk mntk tlg, hahaha, trima kasih sbb ada msa aku ssh sng. trima kasih. just thanks utk smua yg hg prnah buat utk aku. kita prnah gaduh terok, dn aku hrp tkkan berulang lgi. Sorry utk apa aku kta dkt hg, dn buat dkt hg. aku syg hg babe.
next is anith..nothing much to say. hg paling byk buat masalah, buat kecoh, buat pelik, buat pyah, blurr, buat takut, hahaha. but i still lebiu babe. hg baik sgt ngn aku. Msa smua org tipu aku, hg ada dgn aku smpai ke last. Aku ja kdg2 lupa hg..x hargai hg, x heran hg, ktuk hg lgi, tpi aku nk hg tau, hg the best ever friend i could ever ask for. Selama ni hg paling x prnah gaduh tghok dgn aku, even kdg aku x phm hg, hg x phm aku, kita still share story, gossip psai azlin zila and others. Hahah sorry both of u.. And I want u to know that whatever you choose in your life, please make up your mind first. if anything u would like to share, i always be there for u babe, i mean anything..k
ummi-kechik-umi- aku nk mntk maaf utk smua slh aku. terjerkah hmpa ka, termarah ka. aku x byk ckp sgt dgn hmpa, mcm ada benteng ja antara kita hahah. Tpi aku nk hmpa tau yg hmpa pun part of aku punya life jgk. nama hmpa, prngai hmpa yg aku x brpa betui2 knai, tau skit2 ja psai hmpa sbb kita x rpt, tpi hmpa still akn tersemat di hatikuu. ewwah..haahah. syg hmpa jgk dn trima ksih.
nabilah- amrina-mimi-sofea hmpa pun sma, kita mngkin jrg ckp jgk kcuali sofea dgn nabilah ckp smpai aku pnat nk ckp hahaha. aku syg hmpa jgk..maafkan slh silap aku.
last..paah-ecah-nadia..sorry for everything. rsa sat sgt kita rpt, rindu nak gossip, tgk insta org pastu gossip, smbang riuh, buat rare, hahah..byk knangan manis even bnda tu kcik yg mngkin hmpa lupa tpi aku dk. aku sng bila kita lepak, aku rsa selesa nk share story dgn hmpa, rasa mcm aku bleh buat apa ja klau dgn hmpa, setahun ja kita dan rpt sbb sblum ni kita mcm x ngam sgt.aku doa bgi kita sntiasa rpt dn boleh gila2 mcm dlu. hmpa geng pala ting tong yg terbaik prnah aku ada, aku xprnah tau aku msuk pala dgn hmpa. Hahah..aku syg hmpa. Aku mntk maaf apa2 ja slh aku, trima kasih sbb pernah hadir dn criakan hdup aku.
penambahan bdk dri kls len, tpi still aku anggap mcm kwn kls. azlin syazwani. trima kasih sbb ada msa aku sng susah. trima kasih sbb rajin beressay dgn aku, dgq masalah aku, sudi share story dgn aku, phm aku, geng karok, geng otak tingtong. wlaupun kita xsama kls, tpi tu x mmbezakan kita. aku mntk maaf sbb pernah terpulaukan hg, ngata kt hg, sorry weh utk smua salah aku dkt hg yg hg terasa dgn aku.
amin,pie,najwan,arif exc. hmpa pun part of life aku jgk, tpi xpnting sgt. sorry..hahahah.
Labels: #appreciatesomelittlethingsthatmakeyouhappy#
malam ni Allah datangkan mood untuk posted. heheh. baru nak masuk bulan 2, tapi fuh aku rasa mcm badan ni dah produktif setahun. kohkoh over bkhang. Baru habis demam, biasalah bila jarang badan cergas tup2 baru sebulan sekolah kena rentas desa, tusyen, hw pagi petang siang malam (ok ni muhong) mmg la gini ye dok. Aku pun tak cukup nafas nak catch up..tapi alhamdulillah Allah bagi sakit tak lama. kuasa Dia.
Aku ckp psai struggle. Nak struggle apa? struggle atau dalam erti kata melayu juang. nak berjuang untuk apa?
Aku tgh struggle.
Struggle untuk akhirat. dan dunia. kenapa aku struggle untuk akhirat dulu? jadi kenapa aku dilahirkan sebagai Islam kalau bukan untuk syurgaNya. bukan persoalan. tapi kenyataan.
pastikah aku di syurga--
kalau dugaan yg diberikan kpd para nabi dan rasul tidak pernah aku rasai. Allah berikan aku sedikit shj ujianNya. hanya sedikit. apalah sangat nak dibandingkan dgn ujian yg diberikan pada Kekasih hatiNya. kerana apa?-- kerana Allah itu Maha Mengasihani. "Allah will not burden a soul beyond that it can bear" mampukah aku benar-benar bertahan jika-- diberikan dugaan sepertimana para nabi dan sahabat dahulu diduga? Dia. Dia Maha Mengetahui setiap apa yg ada dalam diriku-- juga kamu-- dan mereka. Allah tahu aku bukan nabi apatah lagi rasul. jauh lagi orang alim. Kerna dia tahu, aku adalah aku-- jatuh-rebah-bangkit-jatuh-rebah-bangkit. itu aku-- tidak pernah sedia bangkit.
Aku struggle untuk masa hadapan. bkn sekarang. kalau aku hanya struggle untuk sekarang-- merana aku masa hadapan. perit. biasalah-- kehidupan.
bukan aku lah nak menunjuk alim.
sebab realitinya aku pun tidak alim. apatah lagi nak 'menunjuk'. |