![]() Assalamualaikum. hello ppl, actually not so many things i really would like to talk and also dont have any idea to write bout but since im kinda boring rn so lets just merepek.. so, it is almost few days je lagi nak masuk bulan may sekarang, which means soon i'll be leaving my home sweet home mybe just in a month from now. probably that's gonna be my first time staying in a hostel and far awayyyyy from my fam. but nvm, im leaving for good :) tak tahu lagi nak kemana, but i really hope somewhere thats not so far from kedah, cam penang ke, perak ke, area utara ja boleh dop? hihi. bukan apa, takut homesick namatey jew hahaha ok now let's move on, tu intro sesaja jaa sbb dh berapa hari ni asyik pikir pasal sambung study ja, tidoq pun tk lena huhu. btw, i would like to share some moments that have happened and my feelings on the day where spm results were out (15.03.18) sorry i know this is a bit basi but i malas plus tk hado mood nk berblog sgt haritu. so mcm biasalah datang sekolah jumpa kawan2 yg lama dh tak jumpa, then sembang2 gelak2, actually dah boleh check thru message around pukul 10, aku pun dah nak tekan send je lagi masa dekat rumah, but i was so freakin nervous like nervous gila bang*ang, so tak jadilah send hahaha. then, masa dekat sekolah lambat gila result nak umum pun, sampai pukul 11 lebih2 centu jgklah baru tau. umm, i really didnt know how to express my feelings when my result was announced, at first i was like happy rasa nak lompat but then tetiba rasa mcm i dont deserve this. but still dalam hati mmg syukur sangat2, alhamdulillah Allah tolong, Dia permudahkan, Dia lembutkan hati pemeriksa. serious cakap, i just gave my best like 20% and another 80% all from Allah. i didnt mean to exaggerate but that exactly what had crossed my mind after aku balik dan tenung result tu lelama. aku dapat 8A 2B 1C+, that C+ makes me feel so bad, sebab C+ tu buat aku tak lepas untuk kos2 yg betul2 aku nak, i always ask myself balik, kenapa tak boleh dapat B padahal sikit je lagi tu. but then, muhasabah diri balik, istighfar balik, sbb baru sedar rasa syukur tu dah pudar, allah. tapi lelama try gain rasa syukur tu balik, trying to think in a positive way, maybe Allah wont let it happen for a good reason, cause indeed He's the best planner and there is no doubt at all. ianya mungkin menjadi satu asbab untuk sesuatu, mungkin rezeki di kos lain atau dengan cara yg lain. percayalah, rezeki Allah tu tersangatla luasnya, doa saja hijabya. so, for people who also feel the same thing, i hope ure doing great, stop overthinking, learn from the past, forget ur past failures and build new success that you will proud with, that will fade all ur past sadness and pain. everyone deserve a second chance, a better one. just do not give up yet ok :) |
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