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bismillahirrahmanirrahim. all the praises be to allah for still giving me chances to breath and make a better life tmrrow. 2015 has come to an end, and wlcome 2016. please be very nice to me 2016, hahah. So mcm aku ckp sblum ni, 2015 is worst ever year in my entire life. ntahla thun kedepannya lagi extreme ka apa. well at least, i already know tht i've to make up my mental and physical first for all the possibilities. Act, 2015 xdaklah worst mna sbb aku tau tht the more we grow up, the more we will learn. We learn that even the person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. you will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. you'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. you'll fight with your best friend which is this part of sadness is really stupido for me. you'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll wish tht youre still a little girl tht know nothing. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and live like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back. be closer w/ Allah because when you found Him, it's means you found your true happiness that irreplaceable. in shaa allah.

so few days past, i just accepted my pt3's result. alhamdulillah i finally made my family proud of me even though i didn't get straight As. i got 10As/11As. demmath. however, pt3 is just a beginning, nothing much important as hell as spm. past is past, just continue our routine before the pt3. solat hajat, bca quran, solat taubat (most important), zikr, niat study krana allah bkn exam or whatever. jgn jdikan exam tuhan kdua kita. alim msa nak dekat exam, bila habis exam trus lupa tuhan. this is part of my self reminder and also to all. btw, we did it classmates! aku rsa bangga dgn klas sndiri. really worth it! sblum exam, men2 lgi malaih gila bangeng. dapat result, unexpected thoo. paling rendah 6A, tu pun aku tk rasa rendah. 6A kira wow gak ahh. hanya kita2 ja tau btapa malasnya budk kls 3U1. congrats untuk kita. hahaha. apapun, aku harap we're still in the same class. xsnggup nak dpt classmates lain. but nvermind, people may leave, memory doesn't. even kita tk sekelas dh pun nnti, aku tkkan lupa knangan kita smua. ewwahh. Hahah. and i would like to givee hugeeee thanks to teachers, family (my backbone), classmates, friends and anyone who helped me directly or indirectly. thankyou.

frankly speaking, im still not ready for form 4. another 3 or 4 exams after this and..im unofficially a spm candidate. perghh jauh mikirnye. but it is fact that no one cant denied except maut. ok bye. doakan aku dpt struggle untuk form 4 dgn form 5. may allah ease evry single thing. byee. this may be last post for 2015. so babai. may your next year will better than 2015. assalamualaikum.

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